Oriental oat for the kindred soul

Recipe Image
Oriental oat for the kindred soul

- 4 tablespoons of Quaker oat

- 2 pieces of black sesame seed tang yuan  

- 6 pieces of wolf berry

- 1 red date

- 1 teaspoon of honey


1. Boil a pot of water

2. Put Quaker oat in a bowl and add some boiling water

3. Put wolf berry in a cup and add some boiling water  

4. Bring the remaining water to boil again  

5. Add tang yuan  

6. Take out tang yuan from the boiling water once it floats and place it in a dry bowl

7. Drain wolf berry

8. Add honey to the bowl of Quaker oat

9. Add the drained tang yuan and wolf berry to Quaker oat

10. Ready to enjoy Oriental oat with the kindred soul