What is SGQuakerChef about?
SGQuakerChef first started in 2020, where we wanted to explore about the ways the community enjoy their Quaker. With more than few hundred recipe submissions, we realised that it was essentially hundreds of different ways you can start your everyday with Quaker.
In the spirit of sharing and the celebration of the goodness of Quaker Oats, we decided to bring back the everyone's beloved contest event. We want the community to be able to find a recipe that they enjoy and at the same time be able to share their own favourites.
Why Quaker?

Oats are naturally wholesome, and require minimal processing to unlock their natural power. It is the natural ingredient that give back to nature.

Consuming oats has powerful health benefits both in the long term and short term. Oats soluble fiber gives you lasting energy as it slows down digestion and release of glucose into the blood stream, providing a slower supply of energy that helps get and keep you going.

Quaker oats can be delivered through various forms while still retaining its health benefits and empowering the freedom of choice. It can be customised to anyone's needs and taste; be it through a bowl of oats, as an ingredient in a recipe, or in a new format.
Start Your Everyday With Quaker
Be it your breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks and desserts, there's
something for everyone when it comes to Quaker.